Monday, March 16, 2009

Suburban Run 2009

Had a tiring 10km run at 8am on Sunday 15 Mar 2009, I did not really placed too much expectation for a good timing for this event as I just did a 22km LSD on Saturday from Home to ECP and back again. Well to make things worse I did not had a good start too, only have myself to blame for been late to reach the starting point, argh.... what a long queue at the toilet area, should have queue up earlier. While inside the toilet I can hear the gun goes off and as soon as I am done I run to the starting point and realised I was about 3mins 26 seconds late. My thought then is just to run as fast as I could hoping that I can make up some "lost" time hehe.... really had a hard time finding my way through the slower runners and very soon I started to feel really tired and can no longer keep up with the fast pace, well no choice as I looked at my polar watch I tell myself to at least maintain a pace of 6mins/km so that I can slowly recover. Somehow it's just not my day and the recovery is slow, maybe it's just one of these days.... no form and momentum at all. Just have that feeling it's a never ending 10km, unlike 2 weeks ago's Newton Run where 10km is no sweat. Somehow I just hate the repeting routes.... seeing other runners coming back running towards the finishing line I starts to wonder am I still far away from the turn? It's only when I reached the 8km mark, the point where the last U turn is for all 10km runners that I started to feel more motivated. Yes! 2km more to go as I step up a gear and started to look out for faster pace runners around me to keep pace with. Then comes the last 1km I spotted someone 20 meters ahead where I managed to keep pace throughout before finally over take him at the finishing point.....sigh... only managed a gun time of 55:27.8. Well... this time no more sub 50.

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