Sunday, August 2, 2009

Adidas King of the Road 2009‏

This will be my second overseas half-marathon of the year. As it falls on the 3rd week in my 5 weeks preparation for the AHM 2009, it will definately be part of my training done with marathon race pace.

As it is suppose to be a 22.7km event, I set a target to complete the race below 2 hours and also with limited medals allocated for each categories I too wouldn't want to miss getting a Finisher Medal haha.

At 6:30am, with a 'bang!' and there goes the start of the race where I am running along side Lawrance from Safra Toa Payoh. As it was very crowded we kept a steady pace of about 6min/km until after 2km when I decide to speed up.
I was lucky to have my Garmin watch with me as there are no distance marker, only sign boards indicating directions for different categories. Along the way I overtake a number of Safra runners so pleased to hear encouraging cheers from them too. Especially Teo and Vincent Low who ask me to disappear 1 km ahead of him hehe....

Overall there were only 6 water points so just cannot afford to miss any as I will make a point to aim for every water points. The route was also quite tough with quite a number of up slopes and down slopes, it makes it very difficult to maintain your pace. The torturing part is the up slope at around the 19km mark, running almost at walking pace. However the last 1 km is great as we will enter the stadium, going through a tunnel before stepping onto the running track and cross the finishing line. It really reminds me of the Korean running boy finishing his marathon.

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