Monday, December 6, 2010

Week 12 0f 12 to SCMS

Monday (rest)

Tuesday (interval)
3k easy w/6 x 3mins @ 5:00 pace w/2min easy btwn, 2k easy
3k warm-up in 18:03 (avg pace 5:59min/km)
6 x 3mins w/2min easy btwn (splits/k) 4:04 5:53 4:18 5:33 4:19 5:59 4:21 5:51 4:24 6:02 4:16 6:17 (6.22k in 30mins avg pace 4:49min/km)
2k cool-down in 12:05 (avg pace 6:01min/km)

Total session (w/u + c/d) 11.22k in 60:08min (av pace 5:22min/km)

Wednesday (easy)
6k easy
37:23mins (avg pace 6:13min/km)

Thursday (interval)
5k easy w/3 x 20 sec strides
30:17mins (avg pace 6:03min/km)
3 x 20sec strides w/40s rest splits/k 2:41(120m) 2:43(120m) 2:55(110m)

Friday (rest)

Saturday (easy)
10-15 mins easy running

Sunday (race)
Standard Chartered Marathon Singapore
4hrs 23mins 4secs (avg pace 6:10min/km)

67.3km for this week and everything looks good and I was looking forward my one and only marathon this year, my long awaited 5th December 2010 SCMS. But disappointingly things went very wrong after the halfway mark as my pace drop drastically, not able to keep up with my intended pace and soon I was running very slowly and I ended up walking and running for the rest of the race. As I recalled I was like a car running out of fuel and no amount of determination can help me push on.

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