Monday, June 15, 2009

Mount Faber Run 2009

This will be my 4th consecutive race for 4 weekends and I am also into the 2nd week of Sundown Marathon reverse tapering. But with an eye on the coming KL Marathon, I decide that this will be just another "training run".

It's a cooling morning I managed to reach Bukit Merah View 15mins before the race starts while getting ready with stretching and warm up. I unexpectedly got to rush off with the run as the race started 5mins earlier at 7:25am. As I get on with the run and so far so good as I still managed to reach the 5km mark in 25mins, but soon hill running started to take the toll on me as I don't do hill trainings on such long hilly route. I find it really difficult to keep up with my usual pace. At that moment my only thought was hopefully I can make up loss time during the down slope run.

As I finally reaches the main roads I was forced to control my pace to avoid sudden stops as I was surprised that road marshalls actually stops runners at the traffic lights. I was lucky that I only stop once as I managed to keep a steady pace all the way to the finishing line in 54mins. Overall I had a bad run for the 2nd part of the 5km route, way off my PB, and I do feel that the event will be a better one if roads are closed, ideally I prefer distance marker for every 1km.

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