Monday, October 4, 2010

Week 3 of 12 to SCMS

Monday (rest)
Off. Core exercises

Tuesday (interval)
3k w/u, 2 x 5k @ 5:00 pace w/3min rest, 2-3k c/d
3k warm-up in 18:48 (avg pace 6:15min/km)
Bidadari Cemetery 2 x 5k @ 5:00 pace
Splits/k (loop) 4:40 4:54 4:55 4:56 4:57 4:57 5:03 5:05 5:04 4:44
Splits/5k 24:22 (av 4:52) 24:53 (av 4:58.6)
in 49:21 (w/o 3:00 R)
Avg Pace 4:55min/km
3k cool down in 19:51 avg pace 6:36min/km)
Total session (w/u + c/d) 16k in 88:00 (av 5:30 min/km)

I had a tiring session today as I started to struggle after 6km, but glad I still managed an avg pace of 4:55min/km. Not sure why legs were heavy today, maybe I am still recovering from last Sunday LSD and followed by core exercises on Monday.

Wednesday (easy)
8k easy pace
48:39mins (av pace 6:04min/km)

Thursday (steady)
3k easy pace, 8k steady run w/5 x 15 sec explosive hill sprints after run, 3k c/d
3k easy (warm up) in 18:22 (avg pace 6:06min/km)
Woodleigh Park 8k steady run
Splits/k 5:30 5:20 5:27 5:20 5:29 5:30 5:26 5:32
in 43:39mins (avg pace 5:27min/km)
15 sec up hill sprints splits(min/k) w/40s rest
3:52(60m) 3:17(80m) 342(70m) 3:48(70m) 3:25(70m)
3.3k easy (cool down) in 19:44 (avg pace 5:58min/km)
Total session (w/u + c/d) 14.3k in 81:45 (av 5:43 min/km)


Saturday (easy+strength)
8k easy w/5 x 20 sec strides
8k easy run in 46:57mins (av pace 5:51min/km)
20 sec up hill strides splits(min/k) JR50sec
3:21(100m) 3:39(90m) 3:23(100m) 3:18(100m) 3:23(100m)

Enjoy my easy run exploring new routes, ended up at Novena and decide to do some uphill strides which ended up more like uphill sprints, anyway both are similar and I find it more challenging to run uphill.

Sunday (easy)
25k long run w/ 18-23k @ 5:20 pace
2k easy (warm up) in 11:53 (avg pace 5:54min/km)
2hr 25mins 40secs (av pace 5:49min/km)
18-23k splits/k 5:21 5:27 5:21 5:25 5:10 (avg pace 5:20.8min/km)
2k easy (cool up) in 13:40 (avg pace 6:49min/km)
Total session (w/u + c/d) 29k in 2h 51mins13sec (av 5:54min/km)

These day I just could not wake up early and again I did my LSD in the evening, at Bidadari Cemetery, to make my run less boring I decide to take a bigger loop of about 1.6k. As usual I aim for even pace of 6min/km but as fatigue kicks in towards the later part from 18k onwards it was tough to maintain my target of 5:20min/km pace, thus my splits from 18k to 23k went hare wire but at least I still push through with an average of 5:20.8min/km.

It's another week of high mileage of 77km, so glad I can now look forward to next week's shorter 20km LSD. This week is a more tiring week as compared to previous 2 weeks as I felt sore and needed more effort to achieve my goals, especially for the intervals and the LSD from 18 to 23k @5:20. Both sessions were good training as I really felt like I was running low on fuel towards the end of the marathon.

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