Sunday, October 17, 2010

Week 5 of 12 to SCMS

Monday (rest)
Off. Core exercises

Tuesday (interval)
3k w/u, 2k @ 4:45, 3min rest, 8 x 400 @ 4:30 pace w/1min rest, 3min rest, 2k @ 4:45, 2k c/d
3k warm-up in 19:22 (avg pace 6:27min/km)
Bidadari Cemetery 2k @ 4:45 pace
Splits/400m (loop) 4:23(1:45min) 4:36(1:50min) 4:33(1:49min) 4:43(1:53min) 4:23(1:45min)in 9:02 avg pace 4:31
Bidadari Cemetery 8 x 400 @ 4:30 pace
Splits/400m 3:56(1:34min) 4:04(1:37min) 4:10(1:40min) 3:59(1:35min) 4:00(1:36min) 4:06(1:38min) 4:17(1:43min) 4:13(1:41min)in 13:04 avg pace 4:05 (w/o 1:00 SR)
Bidadari Cemetery 2k @ 4:45 pace
Splits/400m (loop) 4:31(1:48min) 4:44(1:53min) 4:37(1:50min) 4:47(1:55min) 4:26(1:46min)
in 9:12 avg pace 4:36
2k cool down in 12:15 (avg pace 6:07min/km)

Total session w/o R (w/u + c/d) 12.2k in 63:05 (av 5:10 min/km)

Feeling strong as I exceeded all minimum requirements set for my intervals. Look forward to 2 more easy runs, 1 long run before my race on Sunday.

Wednesday (easy)
8k easy pace 48:01mins (av pace 5:59min/km)

Thursday (easy)
5k easy w/3 x 20 sec strides
29:53 (avg pace 5:58min/km)
5 x 20 sec strides
20 sec strides splits(min/k) SR40sec
3:10(110m) 3:34(90m) 2:57(110m) 3:16(100m) 3:03(110m)

Friday (easy)
25k long run - all easy pace
2k w/u in 13:22 (avg pace 6:40min/km)
East Coast Park 18k in 108:49min (avg pace 6:02min/km)
2k c/d in 14:50 (avg pace 7:09min/km)

Started my LSD late at 8am and disappointingly I could not complete my 25km run. I just don't seems to have any energy left after 15k, tried pushing myself further but gave up at 18km. Feeling tired and don't seems to be able to recover. Two of the main reasons could be (1) Depleted glycogen store as I recalled that I was still hungry the night before but instead decide to ignore it and just go to bed, and as I woke up late I only had 2 bananas and off I go ECP for my run. (2) It was a hot day and I was losing lots of water.


Sunday (Race)
New Balance Real Run 2010 Official net time 1hr 17mins 17secs (avg pace 5:05min/km)

I was doing fine running at an average of 5:00min/km pace for 12km until I was forced to slow down halfway through the 12km mark where here comes the 0.6km stretch of sand. It was no doubt challenging to run on sand terrain but it was also tiring and my pace started to deteriorate.

It is a week of 63km run with interval + LSD + race, had a poor LSD but a solid interval and a good race. I am now looking forward to the coming easy week and also the Nike City Run 10km. Hopefully I can finally do a sub 47mins 10k.

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