Monday, October 25, 2010

Week 6 of 12 to SCMS

Monday (rest)
Off, core exercises

Tuesday (interval)
5k w/u, 2 x 2k @ 4:40 w/4min rest, 2 x 400 @ 4:25 pace w/2min rest, 3k c/d
5k warm-up in 29:28 (avg pace 5:53)
Bidadari Cemetery 2 x 2k @ 4:40 pace
Splits/400m (loop) 4:21(1:44min) 4:28(1:47min) 4:29(1:47min) 4:34(1:49min) 4:21(1:44min)
2k in 8:51 (avg pace 4:25.5)
Splits/400m (loop) 4:19(1:43min) 4:30(1:48min) 4:28(1:47min) 4:53(1:57min) 4:21(1:44min)
2k in 8:59 (avg pace 4:29.5)
2 x 400 @ 4:25 pace
Splits/400 (loop) 3:46(1:30min) 3:39(1:27min)
3.6k cool-down in 22:07 (avg pace 6:08)
Total session (w/u + c/d) 13.4k in 72:31 (av 5:25min/km)

Wednesday (easy)
8k easy w/4 x 20 sec strides
47:43 (avg pace 5:57min/km)
20 sec strides splits(min/km) SR40sec
2:39(130m) 2:38(130m) 2:53(120m) 3:01(110m)

Thursday (steady)
1k easy, 7k steady pace (5:25), 1k easy
Treadmill workout
1k warm-up in 6:00min
7k Tempo pace @ 5:00
in 35mins (avg pace 5:00min/km)
1k cool-down in 6:00min

Due to poor air quality with a psi level of 188, I decide to have my run done on Treadmill instead. Treadmill running was easier, so I decide to go for a Tempo session instead of Steady run.

Friday (rest)

Saturday (easy)
5k easy pace w/3 x 20 sec strides
29:07 (avg pace 5:49min/km)
20 sec strides splits(min/km) SR40sec
2:50(120m) 2:59(110m) 3:06(110m)

Sunday (race)
2k warm-up in 12:49 (avg pace 6:23min/km)
Nike City 10k SG chip time 45:45mins (avg pace 4:42min/km)

It was a great run with a PB, however my initiate plan was to run at 4:40-4:45 pace but ended up over-paced my first 2k and could not maintain my intended pace for the rest of the race. But nevertheless I still managed an average pace of 4:42. Finally seeing some results....Yeah :-)

It was a 48km easy week for me, did well for my Tuesday interval training but fall sick and was down with cold on Thursday. However, due to the poor air quality and despite of been sick I continue to train on Treadmill (Tempo run)instead, . I was so glad that I finally round up the week with my first PB this year.

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